The Five Powers That Helped Build My Life

In July 2019 the Australian National University was kind enough to bestow on me the award of an Honorary Doctorate. The award was presented at a graduation ceremony for the College of Business and Economics, presided over by the Pro Chancellor of the University, Naomi Flutter, the Vice Chancellor, Nobel Laureate Professor Brian Schmidt and […]
Counting and Cracking: how division destroys wellbeing

‘Counting and Cracking’ is a great play, which premiered at the 2019 Sydney Festival, with all tickets being quickly sold out. Its second staging was at the 2019 Adelaide Festival. The play swept the boards at the 2019 Helpmann awards, winning 7 of the 8 categories for which it was nominated, including Best New Australian […]
Life, Meaning and Purpose – Reflections on the Life of a Parent and Grandparent

My last conversation with my father was when he rang on a Sunday afternoon recently, complaining of the symptoms of a stomach upset and the fact that his hiatus hernia was giving him trouble. The discomfort persisted and his GP insisted that he attend Canberra hospital as a precaution. Reluctantly, my father went to the […]
Cuba: Revolution, Communism and Happiness

It takes less than 60 minutes to fly from Miami to go back to a world of 60 years ago in Havana, Cuba. It is a world that is truly unique, dominated by 60 years of revolutionary ideology. Miami is a city which displays the full spectrum of American life. It celebrates the country’s diversity, great strengths, culture, dynamism, violence, […]
Understanding the whole Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway’s 50th Shareholders’ Meeting

How well would Ed Sheeran go if he was playing in a city like Omaha, Nebraska, with a population of under 1 million people? My son told me that Ed’s concert at the Sydney Footbal Stadium was sold out in 30 minutes. But Sydney is an international city, with a population 4 times the size […]
Dancing for Joy – A Life Creating Beauty for Others

A dancer, if she is great, can give to the people something that they can carry with them forever. They can never forget it, and it has changed them though they may never know it. – Isadora Duncan – If you want to know what the term ‘flow’ means and how it can inspire joy […]
Can people have hope and thrive in the world’s largest slum?

What does the word ‘slum’ conjure in your mind? Lots of sad, very poor people, squashed together, living in abject misery? Despite my South Asian origins and work in developing countries, more often than not I would unquestioningly accept that stereotype. And what prospect could there be for redeveloping a slum in which both slum […]
The Most Contented People on Earth, But are they the Happiest?

“They have no electricity, no running water and no mobile phones, but they are the happiest people in the world”, our guide insisted. I was intrigued and dubious. Bumping along a dirt track, I was in the Samburu district of Northern Kenya with my elder son, heading towards a village of 25 families. Our first glimpse […]
Bulletin 2 From a Week at Harvard 2013 – Will our Children Enjoy an Energy Revolution

Harvard 2013 Bulletin No 2 Here’s my second bulletin summarising key takeaways from a recent week at Harvard Business School. The thoughts and views should be regarded as mine, unless otherwise attributed. Picture: Martin LaMonica/CNET Terrapower and the Energy Revolution Not content with trying to foster an education revolution, Bill Gates is also trying to […]
Bulletin 1 from a Week at Harvard 2013 – the Khan Academy and the Education Revolution

Harvard 2013 Bulletin No 1 Introduction At the start of each year I try and come to a one week leadership program at the Harvard Business School as part of my aim to keep up to date with some of the latest research ideas, how they will affect the world, our lives and ultimately […]